Thursday, January 13, 2011


Yesterday will be better than today.
She's constantly living in fear.
Every day may be her last.
Is someone looking through the glass?
Maybe the worst wouldn't be that bad.
A little pity without shame?
Is that really what she pretends to want?
Is she really that starved?
A revelation might save her.
She does not have much to rely on.
She has denied herself much to rely on.
She's always laughing happiness in the face,
saying she will never be able to feel it's joy.
Her world is filled with gray,
her face always buried in the sand.
Kindness cannot pry the grip she has on herself.
Too much darkness in the world.
Is this night darker than the rest?
Will the hands of darkness throw a punch her way?
She hoped she would be so lucky.
At least then she wouldn't be so damn alone.

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