Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Broken Hearted

I fell so hard, unlike I ever had before
and you let me fall.
You weren't there to catch me.
An image of you stood at the bottom,
frozen in time, smiling and waiting for me to fall.
And when I did, it wasn't you.
It was all an illusion.
Why must I put myself through this?
I cannot feel this pain again.
My heart is numb,
my desires are gone.
All positive hope for myself has been lifted from my reach.
You were something incredible to me.
You meant the world, you were my world.
I didn't mean that much to you.
I never mean that much to anyone.
My biggest weakness is that I care too much.
I fear it will be my end.
I am surrendering all hope for love.
Love hurts worse than it is capable of creating happiness.
I am done trying to be happy.
I keep trying on happiness, but it never fits.
I will live my life without it.
I have so far...